John Lattner was a champion his entire life. His football fame, including winning the Heisman Trophy and twice winning the Maxwell Award during his time at the University of Notre Dame, is iconic and unsurpassed. John’s charity and big-heartedness are treasured by all those whom he helped for seven decades in the Chicago area. He was a proud veteran of the United States Air Force, and an even prouder husband, father, and grandfather.
Diagnosed with mesothelioma last year as a result of asbestos exposure at summer construction jobs during his college years, John spent his last months advocating on behalf of other asbestos victims in Springfield and Washington DC against the FACT act and other anti-veteran and anti-victim legislation. John marshaled his strength and energy to help others suffering from this horrific illness and was instrumental in the passage of an amendment to the Illinois Statute of Repose so that corporations that knowingly inflicted injuries upon working men and women and their families would be held responsible. John’s typically straightforward explanation for why he was spending the precious time he had left on these issues was “I am someone who has always believed in fairness. I don’t think anyone should have a leg up on any other person. A strong civil justice system in Illinois provides that fairness not just for me, but for the other men and women who get the call from the doctor that I got. I know how tough of a call it is to get.”
His attorney John D. Cooney of Chicago stated:
"After being diagnosed with mesothelioma caused by his exposure to asbestos, Johnny Lattner advocated for victims' rights for US veterans and other workers. Ironically, just this past week the asbestos industry was supporting an anti-veteran and anti-victim bill entitled the FACT Act before the Senate judiciary committee in Washington. Mr. Lattner had spoken passionately against such bailout legislation meant to protect those corporate wrongdoers responsible for his own fatal disease and the deaths of thousands of other men and women. John’s willingness to actively and passionately speak and write against the unfairness of the FACT Act reflects his inherent empathy, kindness, and decency. Cooney & Conway honors Johnny Lattner’s service to all others and we are grateful to his family for sharing his time with us."
For further information, please contact John D. Cooney @ (312) 236-6166