Cooney & Conway is proud to announce that partner John D. Cooney has been installed as the 2014-2015 president of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA). Mr. Cooney is the 61st person to hold the post, and is the second partner from Cooney & Conway to do so; Kevin Conway served as ITLA president from 2004-2005.
ITLA is an advocacy organization, founded in 1952 with a mission to lend a voice to consumers and laborers who have been injured. The organization boasts over 2,000 members today, all of whom believe in promoting justice and standing up for constitutional rights.
“Our laws affect citizens and institutions in a way that does not exist in certain parts of the world,” John Cooney notes. “We can never forget that and we can never fail to protect our judiciary as champions of all our people. We need to remember as lawyers who have chosen to appear in court that we have a special responsibility to protect these institutions and access to our courts.”
The right to a trial by jury is not only constitutional freedom, but a foundation of our democracy—and is one which ITLA proudly defends. Mr. Cooney recognizes this: “The primary goal of any ITLA president is to make certain that our elected leaders and citizenry are fully aware of the protections afforded by an independent judiciary and a fair jury system. These are rights protected by our Constitution and embedded in our democratic history.”
Historically, ITLA members have strived to ensure that the justice system protects all citizens, not only those who have means of wealth and power. ITLA places a focus on protecting victims who have been wronged by large, indomitable organizations such as insurance companies, corporations, and medical providers. This is something that Mr. Cooney takes to heart as president of ITLA: “Unlike many places around the world, we fiercely protect the right of ordinary citizens to stand on an equal playing field with the largest and most financially powerful institutions in our country. Protecting those rights is the very bedrock of our organization and is my primary goal.”
ITLA also sets out to clear up misconceptions and separate fact from fiction when it comes to the justice system. Powerful corporations have been known to generate myths that “frivolous” lawsuits brought about by individuals have led to an overstrained court system. According to ITLA, cases in which businesses sue other businesses are far more prevalent and consume more resources. “ITLA has been a voice to protect victims against the onslaught of propaganda from big business and the insurance industry,” Mr. Cooney says. “Those industries have a financial interest in limiting the rights of people who have suffered catastrophic injuries or wrongful deaths as a result of the negligence of others. ITLA stands resolutely in favor of ensuring that individuals who need their ‘day in court’ have it available, despite the lobbying efforts of these big business groups.”
Mr. Cooney holds a B.A. from Georgetown University and a J.D. from Loyola University Chicago. He was a prosecutor in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office before joining Cooney & Conway in 1984. He practices law in the areas of asbestos injuries, personal injury, construction liability wrongful death, medical malpractice, drug litigation and products liability. Mr. Cooney, along with his fellow partners and the entire team of attorneys at Cooney & Conway, has successfully and compassionately represented countless plaintiffs in asbestos and personal injury litigation, helping them obtain the compensation and justice they deserve.