I Was Hit by a Semi-Truck. Now What?
Bus Accidents: A Legal Perspective
Buses are a chosen mode of transportation for many Chicago commuters. Unfortunately, these heavy vehicles can cause serious injuries to passengers and other vehicles on the road. There are various causes of bus accidents and many injuries that can result ranging from scratches to severe bodily trauma, and sometimes even death.
Economic and Societal Impact of Car Accidents [New Study]
For more than 130 years, the automobile has remained one of the greatest inventions our society has ever created. Sadly, this invention has also come with a horrific number of accidents, which have left a major impact on the United States economy in several different ways. Modern technology has made very low accident rates a realistic goal for the future, but what should you do if you do end up in a car accident? Let’s dig deeper into the economic and societal impact of car accidents and how you can handle your accident claim.
Chicago Traffic Accident Deaths Rise as Fatalities Nationwide Top 40K
The number of deaths resulting from motor vehicle accidents continued to rise both nationally and locally, according information released by the National Safety Council (NSC) and the city of Chicago.